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To follow the path, look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master. ---by weiping ^-^

Friday, June 15, 2007

Student Study Just To Pass Examinations. Do You Agree?

I agree fully with the above statement. I am a student and I study just to pass the examinations. It seems the same with my schoolmates. We are all only concerned with the examinations. We do not study other things that do not require us to sit for examinations.
The reason that we do not study other things is because we have no time for them. School subjects take up all our time in school and much of our time in school and much of our time of school. Everyday we have to learn so many things whether we like it or not. Lesson continues one after the other with hardly a break. Our brains switch from history to geography to mathematics to science with a speed of light. We manage most of the time, but sometimes it get so tiring to study, and many of us think to put off our study. For me, any initial interest I have in any subject is quickly killed off by the sheer amount of information I have to absorb. No one is allowed to learn his or her own pace. Everyone is force-fed a diet of information regardless whether he or she can cope with it or not (haiz…so pity the one’s who study…).
Then there is always the next examination around the corner. Since very young we have been taught this: passing with flying colors an examination is the best, just passing it is just a normal statement, but failing is very bad indeed. We are expected to pass. Our parents, teachers and all grown-ups applaud us when we pass with flying colors. If we pass they say nothing, but when we failed we are made to fell worthless. I myself have been caned by my mother because I got red marks in my report card (but in secondary I have improved better!).
No one wants to be considered worthless or be punished for failure, but that is what the world is. So we become obsessed with examinations. We study because we do not want to fail. I have heard some teachers’ say that we should study to acquire in my years in school is that if I fail I am finished. I have to pass with flying colors to prove that I am not worthless.
That is how I feel. For some of my classmates who cannot cope well with the workload, they simply give up studying in some subjects. They are already marked as failures by the teachers so they see no point in studying anymore ,but some teacher always teaches them, help them on their homework, support them but the hard work seems have no effect on them, maybe they are meant to failed. Lucky I do not fall in that category. I still study and do my homework as diligently as I can, but I do these things with only one thing in mind and that is: I have to pass my examinations with flying colors.
So the students study very hard indeed. Passing means success in the world. Failure is unspeakable. The fact remains that they study not for the sake of knowledge but only so that they can pass the next examinations. I am no different from them.

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